heyJinni trust centre


Getting Started

  • Create HeyJinni account

    Language If your first or preferred language is not English, select your language from the list of supported languages before…

  • Choosing username

    Username Choosing username You can only have one username per profile. Usernames can only contain alphanumeric characters (A–Z, 0–9). Usernames…

  • Can I change username?

    Community profileWhat happens to Verified status on change of username? Yes, you can. Go to general setting> username> enter new…

  • Adding & updating information

    HeyJinni-the ultimate community of communities! At time of registration you can skip the following information needed for a complete profile:…

  • Adding avatar, cover & background

    To add or update avatar select edit or general setting from top header dropdown menu > avatar and cover >…

  • Can I change first and/or last name?

    Name change Changing name To change first and last name navigate to general settings> change first and/or last name >…

  • Can I change email and/or phone number?

    ⚠️Important! You cannot change email... You cannot change your email. If you have made a mistake you can delete your…

  • Can I invite other people to join HeyJinni?

    Connecting global communities Yes! After making your profile public on HeyJinni, the next step you might or will likely want…

  • Having problems creating a HeyJinni account?

    Facing issues? We're with you... Incomplete information: Helpful Hint: Ensure all required fields during registration are filled out accurately. Check…

  • Having problems with login?

    Login issues? We are with you... Forgot password: Helpful Hint: If you're having trouble with your password, navigate to HeyJinni.com…