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HeyJinni is all about connecting global communities. Our Community feed is the constantly updating wall of all things public. Feed includes status updates, photos, videos, links, activity, reactions and likes from people that you are friends with or follow on HeyJinni. Anything you see in feed is meant to keep you connected to the people, places and special moments you care about. Our community feed is divided into two parts.

Global (Community) Feed

This is for public consumption and is the default setting.  Always select “Only Me” or “My Friends” as audience if you do not want share posts with everyone.

My (Community) Feed

This is your private feed. Always select “Everyone” as your audience if you want your posts to reach everyone, not just friends and followers. Choice is yours.

Feed FAQs

IIf you do not find the answer you are looking for, please raise a ticket with Resolution Center.

Navigate to the Community menu and select either the Global Feed or My Community Feed.

Yes, you can. Just select “My friends” as your audience when publishing or sharing posts to restrict audience to your private list,

Yes, you can. Select “Only Me” as your audience when publishing or sharing posts.

Yes, you can. Just select “everyone” as your audience when publishing or sharing posts. But note that you will not be able to see any public posts unless posts are from users on your friends list.

By default, anything you post appears on your timeline and the global feed until you switch to ‘My Community Feed.

Your profiles, whether community or extended, are public pages, though not data you have decided not to share with others in settings such as gender, address, date of birth, etc. Generally, your posts are visible to anyone who visits your profile or other pages you have created. More specifically:

  • If you have a friends list, all friends will see your posts by default, unless you change the audience to ‘Only Me.’
  • All boosted posts and pages appear in the global community feed.
  • Any public post that has received enough comments and/or reactions and landed itself in ‘Popular Posts.’ Here, everyone can see your posts unless you have a privacy option applied to your posts such as ‘Only Me’ or ‘My Friends.’ You cannot prevent a post from going into Popular Posts by disabling comments on it alone, as likes are enough to set the post on fire! If you do not want to see your post going viral, you should select ‘Only Me’ or ‘My Friends’ as your audience before publishing or sharing.
  • All ‘Anonymous’ posts appear in the global community feed and my community feed by default. An Anonymous post is a post that claims to be from an unknown source. The details of the community member who posted the post are masked by the system (anonymized).
  • Group posts are visible to members of the group in question, but much depends on applied privacy options (public/private). If a private group, then posts will be visible to group members only. If a public group, then posts will be visible to everyone in the global community feed, regardless of whether the group owner/admin has ‘My Community Feed’ enabled.
  • Page posts are visible to everyone in the global community feed.
  • Marketplace items appear in the global community feed as well as the Marketplace until you remove the items.
  • Any job postings will appear on your (a) Page, (b) global community feed, and (c) Job market until you remove the posts.
  • Live streams unless you apply or have applied a privacy option.
  • Monetized posts/content are visible to subscribers only.
  • Ads appear everywhere.
  • Blog posts by default appear in the global community feed and are always public. Please visit our blogs section for important information on how blogs work inside HeyJinni.
  • For information on what information is public and private, click here.

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