Posts & articles

What you need to know…
We class all published content on HeyJinni as “posts”. However, in the Blog these posts are classed as “articles”. The reasons will become clearer to you as you read on. Please make sure you have fully understood the difference between a “blog article” and a “blog post” before using HeyJinni Blog.
All published Blog articles appear in four places:
- As an article all community members can comment on and share your article to their own Timeline and/or their social networks like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn. You have no control over who can comment on or share a Blog article, unless deleted.
- As a post it can be liked, receive comments and replies and shared on HeyJinni. However, you can control what happens to it as a post.
- You cannot save your own blog posts/articles, but you can save the blog posts/articles of other bloggers.
- You cannot hide your own blog posts/articles but you can hide/unhide blog posts/articles of other bloggers.
- You cannot report your own blog posts/articles but you can report blog posts/articles of other bloggers.
- Blocking a user will remove their blog articles as posts from your Timeline, but the article will continue to be visible to all including you as a blog article in Blog. If you are concerned that a blog article content violates a law or HeyJinni policies, you can always report the article. and/or its user.
- All posts and articles published on HeyJinni are search engine optimised and available on the internet.
- You cannot disallow indexing of your blog articles by search engines, but you can control their indexing as posts. Your only option is not to publish articles or, where published, delete your articles, if you do not want search engines to find them. Please note that when you delete a Blog article, it is deleted from everywhere.
- All blog posts by default allow comments. You can disable and re-enable comments on your Blog articles as posts, but you cannot allow/disallow comments on the same as a Blog article.
- You can pin blog posts/articles to the top of your Timeline.
- Even if you restrict your account posts to “My Community Feed” (friends and followers), you cannot prevent community members and guest users from viewing your post as an article in Blog.
- You cannot place any content published as a blog article behind a ‘subscribe to view’ plan; in other words, you cannot monetize blog content.
- If you have WOW Booster, you can boost or un-boost any blog post/article.
- You cannot use Blog unless you have a HeyJinni account, though you can view any blog post as a guest user.